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Feel Like Making Love

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In most cases, overbending is one of the largest problems many players have as they learn to tune their bends. This is one of the exceptions where it is okay to bend the fire out of the note. Here, he overbends the first note for intensity. If you learn this lick correctly, you'll be playing this solo equally as intensly.

You will also notice that I'm hitting all the strings when I overbend one note. This is a technique called "raking". I'm muting all the strings and "raking" them up to the note I'm bending. This adds a percussive effect that punches the listener.

Last but not least, you'll notice when I overbend that I also am raking the strings and almost "hitting" them when I dig in. Percussive punching isn't just a figure of speech. It's also a way to beat the notes out of your guitar!

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Feel Like Making Love