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Feel Like Making Love

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In this series of "Outro Solo Licks" we will break each lick down note by note. It will help you to know all of your D Minor pentatonic scales all over the neck. You will save yourself much work in doing so.

You should also note before starting this solo that many of these licks are in the "call and response" format. In the case of this solo, the licks are responses to the call of the lyrics. You will hear that the singer sings "feel like making love" followed by a complimentary guitar lick. Get your feel for the lick not by learning the tabbed numbers, but rather by learning how those notes are phrased with the lyric line. That is how you will master playing this solo!

Finally, you'll notice the full and rich tone of the guitar. It's a humbucker guitar on the bridge pickup played through a tube amp with a push from an overdrive pedal. The other pedal used is a delay pedal with a slow decay on the delay. That's why the notes seem to sustain like crazy and the licks fill perfectly between vocal phrases. The delays and decay will be determined largely by the room you play, but experimentation with this will always yield good results.

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Feel Like Making Love