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Feel Like Making Love

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Bad Company's "Feel Like Making Love" is a staple on every classic rock station in the world. This song is an almost purely "studio" creation to contain such simple riffs and massive feel. This means that it was created piece by piece in the studio with many instruments and tones under the careful watch of singer Paul Rodgers and guitarist Mick Ralphs.

For this reason, there isn't one particular guitar or sound that nails the tone. You can be sure of a few things, though. Your main electric guitar should be a guitar with medium to high output humbuckers to get most of the tones. You need a good overdrive, too, to get the main tone for your electric here. A good overdrive will dial off most of the distortion when you turn your volumn down to play the verses and crank into a massive wall of tone when you play the chorus.

Yes, there is a mandolin part. The harmony guitar section contains single coil (think strat) guitar lines. We will reduce this studio beast down to one or two guitars to make it playable immediately.

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Feel Like Making Love