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Feel Like Making Love

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There's no doubt that you can identify this song from the first or second strum. You have heard this song all your life, right? But did you know that the intro of this song is played mostly on mandolin? Yes, that's right, MANDOLIN! We will learn the intro on guitar, though, so that you don't have to learn a new instrument to play along.

Remember that this song is a purely studio construction made of many differnent types of guitars and tones. In this case, the producer decided different instrumentation was necessary. As is the case with many of the tones in this song, the mandolin is only used for a few measures in the intro, never to be heard from again.

This intro is a chord inversion workout, so spend some time to get it to feel like Feel Like Making Love should feel! (Get it? FEEL is the key!)

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Feel Like Making Love