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Alt Rock Guitar 101

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Listen up. This trick is used all over the place by Foo Fighters and Weezer. We're going to create some really dissonant intervals. Minor 2nds and Major 2nds with distortion will clash under normal circumstances, but we're going to bend them up to where they're unisons.

The more slowly you do these types of tone motions, the greater the effect will be. This can create a sense of melancholy in your music, much like Smashing Pumpkins were popular for. Emphasizing those dramatic, tense notes gives it a sense of unresolved yearning.

It's a lot like a painting that seems dirty of torn up, or one in which the paint is cracking. If you have everything perfectly consonant all of the time, it might appear too clean. And this style of rock music is known for its rough edges and sonic density.

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Alt Rock Guitar 101