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Alt Rock Guitar 101

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We're gonna start off by putting together some really solid power chords on the bottom strings. A really important part of that is muting the strings you are not playing. You have to use parts of your fingers to mute them.

Here we have a simple progression of E - G - D - A. Notice they are not really minor or major at this point. Because all we are playing are the root, fifth, and octave of each one.

After that, we're going to throw another layer on top of that. We're going to use octaves, and we're going to play them higher on the neck. And we're going to move them in a different direction: down! So the power chords will be moving mostly upwards, and these octaves will be moving in the opposite direction against them. Sounds different, doesn't it?

Notice that these octaves are also landing on some other chord tones, some THIRDS. This is going to start making some of the total chords we are creating either major or minor, depending on what we play with these octaves.

Check it out!

Lesson Info
Alt Rock Guitar 101