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Last Train To Clarksville

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The main riff carries you through much of the song, but there's some changes. At the end of the verses, we go to a C7, the IV chord, and play an alternating bass line in a sort of country style, then to a D7 chord to tag it, then back into the main riff and repeat the whole verse.

Then a brief interlude occurs: the vocals then do a fast repeating rhythmic "deh-deh-deh-deh-deh, deh-deh-deh" phrase, under which the bass holds a G pedal and the guitar plays a G triad to a 1st inversion F triad, which forms a suspended chord due to the bass playing the G under it. Each chord occurs once per bar and is strummed once and sustains for a bar through the 8-bar phrase, doing a stop on the 1st beat of the 8th bar before it launches into another verse.

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Last Train To Clarksville