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Country Tone: Amplifier Setup

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When some players are looking at amps or are trying to get tone out of the amp, they do not fully consider the effect of the guitar on the amp's tone. The guitar has a huge effect on the gain of an amplifier. The guitar acts as a "preamp" before it hits the actual amplifier and can really fatten or dirty up the overdrive when you crank the guitar volume. On the flip side, you can really clean up the guitar's sound from a heavier overdrive to a dirty clean sound by simply rolling off the guitar's volume. To most younger player's disbelief, you can clean your guitar up for a nice rhythm part by rolling off the volume in most cases without sacrificing any volume or switching channels or pedals. When you are onstage in the middle of the tune, this is very convenient and sometimes the best effect of all!

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Country Tone: Amplifier Setup