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The Eric Johnson Style

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The rhythm riff is a simple chord progression that uses pedal tones to create melody. The 1 chord (G) is played on the 3rd fret with the ring finger leaving the pointer and middle finger free to make melody lines underneath.

The second chord is a simple C2 bar chord. The 3rd chord in the first phrase is a D2 bar chord where I play intervals 1 and 5 and hybrid pick the E-B and G strings in a single stroke followed by a quick right hand mute.

In the next phrase of riff one I play the G and C2 chords in the same fashion as before, but for the 3rd chord in this progression I use B/Gmaj9. This chord is played in the same way the D2 chord is from phrase 1 - using the pick for the first two strings, and sharply hybrid picking the E-B and G strings while playing the bass note at the same time.

Lesson Info
Instructor Tony Lee
The Eric Johnson Style