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Human Fly

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What does it take to be Lord of the Flies? For starters you need a great, hooky riff. Next, add reverb, tremolo, and some slapback delay. Finally, give a liberal portion of attitude and you are there.

The chromatic walk down the neck in this intro is typically Rockabilly. The 2 note main riff as it moves from string to string is also a cliche of the style. Pairing this with the fuzz guitar part we'll learn later drives the rockabilly psycho!

We won't play along with the track here because this is a relatively easy part. If you've learned this, you've learned the tune. Go to the playalong lesson and get buzzin' if you must, but there's a few more things we must put into the potion to make the transformation complete.

Lesson Info
Instructor Andy Gurley
Human Fly