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Joined: 12/12/20
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Registered User
Joined: 12/12/20
Posts: 102
02/22/2021 7:28 am

But as long as you are working on technique, learning songs & enjoying the process, then you are fine. :)

I somehow keep forgetting this. I think indeed it has to do with I understand that you want to learn the right way & you might be concerned about impeding your progress by doing something wrong. but it has also to do with: What if I miss a certain technique or concept that will be super important in the future what I am not aware of now. Imagine not learning how to strum, and just picking notes constantly and after years of playing somebody says to me: Hey, you are playing most songs really weird. Have you ever heard of strumming?

I guess that is a less likely problem to walk into since a lot of tecniques are being discussed in Blues 1 and then Blues 2. Or are there techniques in Country and Rock that are not in the Blues path?

There also is of course the Fundamentals 1 and 2, do these series touch on any technique and concept that I will encounter on my journey (i think not since 'hammer ons etc are not really being discussed).?

It also has to do with spending days / weeks on something while not focusing on something else. I will give an example. I am now learning "Santana - The game of love" and already there are some chords I have not met before. So, yesterday evening I spend my evening practicing that chord progression.

Tonight, I want to continue with it.

Let's say, the whole song takes me a whole week (or 2, dare I say) and in that time I don't look at Blues 1, so I am not practicing Barre chords, power chords (because they might not be in the song). Is that a bad thing then?

"You find a lot of people these days who cannot stand to be alone. You could lock me up in solitary for weeks on end, and I'd keep myself amused."