My Sweet Lord Difference in strumming patterns

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10/29/2020 1:27 pm

Hi in the tutorial My Sweet Lord easy version Caren uses this strum pattern

for the Em and for the A


In the advanced version with Mike it is the same chords but with this strum variation

For the Em and for the A


Does it matter which variation I use If I strum using Carens version will I have to change it later on I am just working on the strum now

Thank You

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10/29/2020 2:10 pm
Originally Posted by: gregmchir

Hi in the tutorial My Sweet Lord easy version Caren uses this strum pattern

for the Em and for the A


In the advanced version with Mike it is the same chords but with this strum variation

For the Em and for the A


Does it matter which variation I use If I strum using Carens version will I have to change it later on I am just working on the strum now

Thank You

In learning strumming, something to be mindful of is not necessarily being mentally aware of the exact pattern in as much as being able to hear the accents or emphasized notes as they fall within any given measure.

I'll give you an example from My Sweet Lord. You outlined the pattern as follows:


But it's really three measures of four notes:


If you look at it that way, it's not a complex pattern in a mathematical way in as much as where the accented note feals natural. It's also important to note that as patterns repeat (cycle) ot you move to another section of a song (bridge, chorus etc) that the 'end' note at the end of a cycle is a note that sets up the next song section.

Which is still overcomplicating things.

I have a friend who physically can play, understands theory and is a capable notation reader. She has no sense of dynamic and her strumming is just UDUDUDUDUDUDUD for every song. It's akin to a military march. She doesn't really play in terms of groove and vibe of the song. She is playing from one note to the next. She even kinda knows this about herself because (this was for my small church), she would rely on me for timing whether I played guitar, bass or drums (I was a utility person...small church gotta do what you can).

The real point being is that if you spend a lot of time on patterns and not falling in to the groove and hearing when those accent note happen, you're only doing math and not playing the vibe or the groove.

Sure, it helps to know the pattern if you need it but if you can hear and feel those differences in note timber as part of the groove, you don't really have to think about it.

Not and answer? True. But the answer is not whether Mike or Caran are playing different but moreso, when you play it, does it feel like it should.

To be honest, when I'm in strummy playing moode, I realize I sorta bob my body to the groove as I strum. I grabbed my acoustic before typing this and strummed out My Sweet Lord and realize that my body was dictating the accents....That and my natural strum was slightly different than both Caran and Mike....go figure.

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