Metal Soloing

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05/13/2002 8:52 pm

Quick question, I'm tring to get that right sound for solo in my band.
The style is Underground, but the soloing I want it sound like old Trash Metal (Metallica, Megadeth)

Does anyone have a suggestion on what kind of sound I should use? and also what kind of effects would be good (I have 15 effects at my disposal)?
# 1
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05/13/2002 9:04 pm
Kirk Hammett uses a lot of wah-pedals when he's soloin. He gets a get of a grillin about it, but I don't mind it to be honest. Also you might wanna add a lil more distorton to get more sound out of two hand tappin. Boost the mids as well if there's an equalizer settin on your fx thing. Makes those high notes a bit crisper as apposed to sounding muddy.
Remember, the chickens that fly will always beat the rubber plants that bounce!
# 2
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05/14/2002 5:55 am
Well, usually, for a metal sound, I'd say turn the mids down, boost the high and lows, since they have what is refered as a 'scooped' sound.
# 3
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05/14/2002 7:53 am
[/start sarcasm] The scooped sound will sound GREAT in a band situation too! [/stop sarcasm]
# 4
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05/14/2002 7:55 am
[/start critic] Yeah, and I love Metallica's sound!! [/end critic]
# 5
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05/14/2002 8:16 am

Now for answering the question. I'd say, use plenty of distortion, and set your EQ in a way that your sound is punchy, yet not ear piercing high.(moderate lows and low mids, boosted high mids, moderate highs) I wouldn't use too many FX, a small reverb, and maybe some chorus. I think most of those metallica and megadeth solos sound pretty dry.
# 6

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