Is there a trick to doing Searches?

Gone Workin
Registered User
Joined: 01/09/09
Posts: 1
Gone Workin
Registered User
Joined: 01/09/09
Posts: 1
01/16/2009 7:44 pm

I'm new here, so hello! Having a great time!

Everything is wonderfully cool on this site except I have been having trouble with the search engine.

1) Is there an index type of place where I can just go through all the titles by name rather than hope that I get a hit on a search?

2) I did a search on a visual browser (beta) called -- where it scrolls through the actual pages rather than having to open one. Cool idea actually. But I got a hit on a page from GuitarTricks and it bore little resemblance to the screen I get when I'm logged in and I can't find it when i'm logged in.

I was searching "Neil Young" and it showed Kevin Taylor did "Simple Chord Songs" and "Heart of Gold" was on one of them I guess.

I can't find it by using a search. And it's not the first time I've gotten NO hits on things I know are here (because I have seen them in other contexts).

Any suggestions?

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01/17/2009 12:51 pm
If you prefer to have a list rather than use the search function, you can always click on the link called "more new lessons" on the main page There's a sort fonction at the top and a more lesson... button at the bottom.

Clicking the more lesson fonction will list the next 25 lessons newest lesson in that categorie you've selected. If you select no category then it's going to list you the newest lessons posted.

The list is limited to 25 per page probably for performance purpose. A complete list would take a lot of time to be created due to the amount of lessons available on GT. Still I think this might be more what you are looking for.

You can do the same thing with tutorials by accessing the Lesson tab on the main page and choosing a category.

As for the search function I'm not sure what causes the issue you're having. If someone doesn't get back to you here about this issue, maybe drop a mail to support
# 2

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