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Joined: 11/26/08
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Registered User
Joined: 11/26/08
Posts: 2
01/03/2009 1:25 am
Thanks for the Spider Legs Lisa! Hey look a moth! I came to the forum last night after struggling with Fundamentals One on the F Major Chord. That double string on the index finger while simultaneously arching the middle and ring finger is a bear. My index finger wants to arch with the M & R or they too want to lay flat like the I. So amidst frustration with my uncooperative fingers I found your Spider Legs post and thought I would do that a while. Then I felt all better.

I too have giant hands and fingers but my understanding is once the calluses build up it will get easier to hit only the desired string. Is that true? I have only baby calluses now but I am nuturing them so they will grow up big and stong. :D

BTW this is a fantastic site! If you are on the fence about joining get off the fence! The lessons are excellent and the cost is minimal and you practice when you have time. Thanks, Mike