View post (This site stinks!!! bad)

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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 07/06/02
Posts: 5,021
01/21/2006 11:37 pm
Well that is not actually true.
When this site was free:

1) there was no video at all

2) there was a daily cap on the number of MP3s you could download (and boy did we get some crap for that, even though it was free)

3) the vast majority of lessons have text and tab.

4) the sight was loaded with pop-up adds and banners to try and pay for the bandwidth served (and boy did we get some crap for that, even though it was free)

5) If you don't like it, quit wining, you know where the door is !

Maybe now would be a good time to ask your self "what have I contributed to GT ??"

If you want to pay for the upkeep of GT, Im sure Jon would: 1) let you and 2) be overjoyed to make the GT free again ! It would probably only cost you a couple of grand a month. Oh, did you not realize bandwidth and web housing on a site that gets 5-10 thousand hits a day costs money.
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