alternate picking

Joined: 01/11/01
Posts: 38
Joined: 01/11/01
Posts: 38
02/18/2001 2:31 pm

What's the best way to play alternate picking using a thumbpick and fingers? For Brent Mason style, I often play alternating thumb/index finger when playing many notes on one string. Is there a better way? Is it "better" to play with a flatpick and fingers?

# 1
Joined: 05/12/00
Posts: 86
Joined: 05/12/00
Posts: 86
02/19/2001 6:43 am
Hi Wide, well, technically, that wouldn't be alternate picking at all but, rather, hybrid picking. Alternate picking would be just using the plectrum upstroke, down, up, down. When you throw extra fingers in, then you're in the realm of hybrid techniques. And as far as the 'best' way, I suspect that you've already surmised that there is no one best way to do anything on the guitar. Experiment to find which way works for you the best. My own style is hybrid with a pick and the use of two other fingers. I try other ways all the time and if something seems to offer a new sound then I'll try to incorporate it. I'm sorry if I'm not being a lot of help. I guess I'm trying to say Yes to all technical approahces, blend them together into your own synthesis. It just takes a long time to figure out the way that will work for you and nobody can tell you which way that is.
# 2

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