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The Secret Power of I, IV, V (and beyond!)

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What is Chord Theory?

It is the 'system behind the magic' that allows guitar players to:

* Figure out how to play songs by ear

* Transpose songs from one key to another

* Jam and improvise solo, or with other musicians

* Write their own songs and chord progressions


Did you ever hear of "One, Four, Five"?

In this tutorial we'll learn all about that simple and powerful equation, plus much much more.

In this lesson, we'll talk about 3 basic concepts that work together to create the magic of chord theory.

Once you understand these basics, you are ready to move on into understanding, and using, the Magic of Chord Theory to grow your guitar skills and enjoyment!

These 3 concepts are:

Note: a single tone, played by itself.

Chord: a minimum of three distinct different notes, all played together.

Key (as applies to chord theory):
A specific collection of chords that tend to go together really well in creating songs and instrumentals.


Note: This is lesson #1 in a series of 11 lessons on Basic Chord Theory for guitar.

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The Secret Power of I, IV, V (and beyond!)