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Copperhead Road

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In this tutorial I'm gonna teach you how to play the song "Copperhead Road", as made famous by Steve Earle. This is an epic song that draws inspiration from everything from bluegrass to hard rock, and it's a ton of fun to play!

The first big part of the song is mandolin driven, but the mandolin is supported by an acoustic guitar strumming away behind it. We're also gonna talk about how you can cover both parts in case you aren't playing with a mandolin player.

Then halfway through the song they go to the unison hits leading into the rockin' section of the song, and at this point the electric guitars take over the riff. We're also gonna break down the clean fills that you hear in the rockin' verse after this section.

We're gonna talk about what tone to use and much more. The song is in 4/4 and the quarter note equals 162 bpm, so let's dive right into it.

Lesson Info
Copperhead Road