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Tattoos on this Town

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Next we are going to cover what Guitar #2 plays during the intro, interlude, and outro to our song. Played in Dropped D tuning, this guitar chunks along with some solid rhythm, leaving plenty of room for the other guitars and instruments.

You will play an eighth note, palm muted rhythm moving from D5 to G5 taking advantage of the dropped D tuning. The G5 comes in on the & of 2 and you want to slide into it both times.

To end, you simply slide into G5 on the & of 2 and let it ring until beat 4 where you will cut it off before dropping into the main motif with the rest of the band.

From there, you will play your main rhythm part with Guitar #2 playing a syncopated rhythm with ringing chords. You will switch between D5 and G5, applying the same placement of the chords as you did during the previous section. You will play the same part all three times this section comes around.

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Tattoos on this Town