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A Heart Like Mine

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After our second chorus, we will bring in our second guitar to play a guitar solo using some sliding licks and open strings. Here's some key points to help:

1. The guitar solo is played over the verse progression.

2. Over the E chord, you will play a swung open string lick that is played by sliding from D to E on the B string while also playing the open E string. Make sure to play quarter notes all on the downbeats when playing the E and switching to the other notes.

3. Over the A and D chords, you will alternate between sliding up to G on the B string as well as sliding down to D then C#.

4. You will play this lick in total 3 times, and the last time through you will play the first half followed by a lick on the B and E strings.

5. You will end the solo by playing back and forth between B and E on the B and E strings on the 12th fret, to D and G on the E and B strings on the 15th fret.

Lesson Info
A Heart Like Mine