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I Don't Care

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The chorus in our song features a very heavy chord progression that features both guitars playing the same parts. Using two different guitars, we are able to create a heavy wall of sound. We are playing a quarter note rhythm pattern with our right hand using down strokes, as well playing that main guitar part at the end of each progression. Here are some keys points to get you through all the choruses in "I Don't Care":

1. The chorus in "I Don't Care" is 8 bars long, and features a new chord progression for the first 6 bars. The last two bars of each progression ends with out main riff that we have heard throughout the entire song.

2. The chords are F# minor, A, D, Bmi/F#, D, Bm/F#; back to our main riff on F# minor.

3. This chorus is heard three times in the song, played the same each time. The only difference is the second chorus ends by cutting out on beat 4 of the last bar before entering the second verse.

4. You will also hear the chorus played a little differently at the end, which we will look at in another lesson.

5. Both guitars are playing the same parts.

Lesson Info
I Don't Care