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Classical Tremolo Technique

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Let have a closer look at the mechanics of tremolo. This means the actual physical motions required by our fingers in order to make the tremolo sound happen.

Essentially this technique mimics the way a violinist keeps a note "alive" and continually ringing out. The goal is to mimic the human voice as a violin does. The technique requires getting your picking fingers moving so smoothly, evenly and efficiently that it sounds as if it is a continuously "singing" note. Eventually we want to be able to make these notes sound together seamlessly and even rise and fall in volume & dynamic level gradually.

For this (and all classical guitar pieces) lesson we will refer to our right hand fingers as such:

Thumb - "p"

Index - "i"

Middle - "m"

Ring - "a"

Start by plucking the bottom E-string with your thumb. Then "roll" your fingers over the top E-string one at a time with your ring finger, then your middle, then your index.

The pattern constantly repeats in a group of evenly spaced 16th notes: thumb on a lower string bass note, then ring, middle, index on an upper string melody note.

Start slowly and get the basic motions right and evenly spaced in time. Be patient, this can be very difficult if you are new to it.

Lesson Info
Classical Tremolo Technique