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Motown Guitar 101

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This is where you can really add your own personal touch to the parts, a really cool way of going about it is trying to imitate other instruments on the guitar.

But be careful, in this style of playing a little too much is usually way too much.

It can easily come off sounding like you don't care about what really matters, the actual song!
Always try to keep in mind what purpose the licks and parts you're playing have in the song. is there too much space between the melodic instruments? Is there no space? If it sounds like there's no place for the guitar it's probably because there isn't!

You can create really great dynamic impact by dropping in and out on certain parts.

A tip if you're jamming more than two guitar players:

If you leave the backbeat out, the part I'm playing in the example works really well as a third guitar part in addition to the first two we've gone through today. Or, you can keep it in there and it's a really cool embellished part.

Try it out and try to make up your own as well.

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde
Motown Guitar 101