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Full Chords Group 5: B, C, F, and G Minor

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In this lesson we are going to play a G minor chord. The same ideas about proper fingering apply to this chord shape also.

Remember that from the last knuckle of your finger to the fingertip your fingers should be arched so they are pointing straight down into the string &
fretboard. Remember that your fingertip should be right behind the fret you are playing. Not on top of the fret. Remember to keep your fingers clear of strings around the one it is holding down. You don't want to mute strings that should be ringing clearly. Make sure your hand and fingers are "hovering" or "arched" slightly over any string that is supposed to make sound.

Place the pad of your index finger across the third fret on the E, B and G strings. Reach over these three strings with your ring finger and play the fifth fret of the D string. Make sure it doesn't mute the G string.

Strum the chord one string at a time very slowly to make sure that each note is sounding as clearly as possible. Then you can go ahead and strum the chord, lightly grazing the pick over each string quickly right after one another. Practice strumming a lot. It will come in handy. Once you can strum down, then try to strum back and forth.

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Full Chords Group 5: B, C, F, and G Minor