Best thing you can play?

The Ace
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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The Ace
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01/15/2004 10:54 pm
Hey I really can play Kum By Ahhh...... well that might not be my best thing..... its right up there next to silent night......

or maybe I'm not taking this serious....

Welll I write a lot of stuff......

No really I do!
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 1
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01/15/2004 11:00 pm
and i can really play arpegios at 16th notes over 300bpm.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 2
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01/15/2004 11:37 pm
2 years ago I learned to play midnight by Satriani. Recently I learned Day's at the Beach by Satriani.
Can't play either fully now.
I notice everyone thinks that the best thing they play is necessarily the hardest or the thing they can do that the fewest other people can. If I had to pick something rare from my playing it might be my abillity to violin pinch harmonics or the arpeggios I can play using only my 'picking' hand and tapping.
The Best thing I can play? ?? !!! The fool!
If I couldn't laugh at myself how could I laugh at someone less ridiculous?
# 3
Gargoyle Instructor
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01/16/2004 8:51 am
Originally posted by u10ajf

The Best thing I can play? ?? !!! The fool!

yes - thats also one of my specialities. i am a master at that.

the hardest stuff i have ever tried to play (and partially succeeded) are the five bagatelles by william walton. man thatĀ“s is a true fingerbreaker.

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# 4
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01/16/2004 11:28 am
Yeah, you guys have a point.. I mean, after several years of constant playing, I still can't play Am, G, D. I can't play a D after a G. Made it once..

And I'm not kidding..

So when I acctaully can play those three chords without any noise I will tell you..
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# 5
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01/17/2004 12:14 am
HEY fingercruncher . . . "I can play a chromatic augmented diminished sweeping legatto artificial-harmonic whammy-dive version of 50 cent's 'Wanksta' in reverse on a nylon acoustic."

I severly dought it that you know what you are talking about. (lol . . . and another thing, in rap songs . . . they dont use any REAL notes. A whammy-dive in a nylon acoustic does not make any sense! AHHH !!!!! COME ON NOW !!

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# 6
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01/17/2004 12:52 am
severly dought....? are you westcountry
# 7
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01/17/2004 3:39 am
LOL naa, i just can't spell lol
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whoooo hoooo !!!!
# 8

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