View post (a question for anyone that has a 6 hour or more practice schedule)

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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
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Incidents Happen
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Joined: 12/23/01
Posts: 1,625
06/29/2003 8:45 pm
woah, that just blew my mind!

Last summer I was doing 8 hours a day, and I became a total isolationist, and it is NOT good for your health! I began to hate people, hate the people do this and that, etc.

I still do 8 hours this summer, but I also do things that relieve my stress, like videogames and such. I don't have a job, and 8 hours is not unreasonable. I believe 12 is, however. It is my opinion that mr. Jesse Sutton is stretching the truth a little bit.

Now, if listening to music counted on that 12 hours, i would say "that sounds reasonable", but 3 hours of composing a day, for somebody that can't read music? give me a break!

Sorry for not having faith in you, Mr. Sutton.