View post (a question for anyone that has a 6 hour or more practice schedule)

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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/16/01
Posts: 532
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/16/01
Posts: 532
06/21/2003 10:01 pm
Well if you like to practice, I see nothing wrong in it.
I like it, it's genuine fun, it's nothing I force myself to do,
it's something I choose to do.
For some people jamming some nice chords for 5 minutes
is more than enough, and some people do scales for 16 hours a day.
People are different they and do different stuff, it's as simple as that.
For some people practicing scale runs for more than 2 minutes
is just plain hell, but for me it's heaven (ok maybe not heaven,
but you know what I mean..)