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Joined: 11/15/22
Posts: 4
Full Access
Joined: 11/15/22
Posts: 4
11/17/2022 11:40 pm

I'm Paul from nothern Nevada.  Decided to join this site about a week ago.  I've played guitar for a while but decided a year and a half ago to take some more formal lessons.  I took JustinGuitar for about 6 months and progressed but didn't enjoy the format (web and ios app).  There wasn't enough supporting material at my fingertips during the lesson, you'd have to order material, wait weeks, get it, and you'd already moved on.  On the good side: Justin did force the use of lots of rhythm practice and very little scale practice early on.  That helped with all sorts of chords: barre, open and power chords, but work on scales drastically suffered.  No mention of riffs between chords unless I searched them out myself in the wilds on the internet.

I'm enjoying the intro course, picking up a few nuggets and delving into scales a bit.  Overall, I'm finding the content, and having the music in notes and tab form right in front of you VERY, VERY helpful!  To me, the visual representation of the music right while you're learning it is extremely important.  Thanks for such excellent content.

Cheers!  Paul