Now What?!

Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/20/2002 9:28 pm
Yeah, we used to have that problem, but I think my band and I are over that now.
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Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/21/2002 4:08 am
Oh, really? You all worked everything out huh. Thoese people I played with just wanted to get high & crap, know what I mean. They just wasn't in to it like me.

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Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/21/2002 2:00 pm
Bummer. Maybe you'll have better luck with a different group someday.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 3
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/22/2002 4:18 am
Yeah, hopefully. So what all music do you play?

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Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/24/2002 2:15 am
Rock. Maybe a bit of metal.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 5
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/26/2002 4:16 am
Cool. Me to. Who's your fav band? My's Nirvana. I like silverchair alot to.
# 6
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/26/2002 5:04 pm
I dont really have a favorite band, but some that I like are Van Halen, AC/DC, Metallica, Jimi Hendrix, SRV, Steve Vai, anything with big neat sounding guitar in it basically.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 7
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12/27/2002 11:43 am
hey man,
just to talk about what to play now that you can play all those other bands.
i just want to emphasize some earlier posts that said you should set attainable goals.
but also, you really should start to do speed and accuracy exercises besides just learning songs. just specific exercises really on specific skills. for example, there are some songs that really emphasize accuracy; therefore you should do a lot of accuracy exercises. and the same for a fast song, do speed exercises. and so on and so forth.
i recommend learning stuff like Crazy Train (Ozzy Osbourne) especially the solo. also Enter Sandman (Metallica). almost any Metallica or Ozzy or Van Halen song would be well worth it, just solos and stuff that makes your feel like can't play it. if you feel like you can't play it and you like it, then you should put your cock-and-balls into learning it so you can built confidence, be a better player....nothing someone else hasn't said
just take your playing to a higher level.
Thanks for listening to this small piece of me.
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Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/27/2002 6:26 pm
Speed and accuracy were one of my goals. I would do chromatics with a metronome, playing 16th notes, trying to see how many notes per second I could play. My speed during string skipping and the clarity of the notes while playing at lower speeds has improved.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 9
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/28/2002 12:29 am
Yeah I know what you mean. I've been workin on the song black sabbath right now. I can play it all, but UI need my speed on the solo to get up.
# 10
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/28/2002 12:32 am
Originally posted by Josh Redstone
Speed and accuracy were one of my goals. I would do chromatics with a metronome, playing 16th notes, trying to see how many notes per second I could play. My speed during string skipping and the clarity of the notes while playing at lower speeds has improved.

So how fast can you play, like pantera fast or what.
# 11
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/28/2002 1:23 am
If you want me to put it in those terms, well, I'm not sure if I can. I could say I play as fast as Angus Young or something, but I dont necessarily play as WELL as someone like that.
On a scale of speed from 1 to 10, I'd say 6 to 6.5.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 12
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/28/2002 10:01 pm
Hope I wasn't sounding like a di** dude, I was just curious to how fast you can play. Sorry if I did. so 6-6.5, dang, that's good alot better than me.
# 13
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/28/2002 10:26 pm
How long have you been playing?
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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12/31/2002 5:19 pm
Two years.My friend got a bass this christmas and we've been playing together. I taught him some sabbath and nirvana stuff I know.

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Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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12/31/2002 6:21 pm
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 16
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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01/02/2003 4:02 am
So, how'd your x-mas go? Hope it went good.
# 17
Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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01/02/2003 5:35 pm
It was nice. I got this G3 DVD, and I've been itching to watch it, but we havent got our little CD burning thingy that also reads DVD's yet, so I gotta wait another week.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
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# 18
Twist of Fate
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Twist of Fate
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01/02/2003 11:29 pm
That's great dude. Another week it'll go by fast. Uh, I'm probably stupid but I'll ask anyway, what's G3 mean> That a movie, if so never heard of it.

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Josh Redstone
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Josh Redstone
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01/03/2003 1:21 am
G3 is kind of like a travelling guitar act. I wouldn't call it a band, because the 3 acts perform seperatly. Anyway, on the DVD I have, its Steve Vai, Joe Satriani and Eric Johnson.
This year I think the lineup has changed. Insead of Eric Johnson, its John Petrucci from Dream Theater.
And God said, 'Let there be rock!'
-And it was good
# 20

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