View post (Verses come, Choruses don't :-/)

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Joined: 04/17/13
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Joined: 04/17/13
Posts: 695
05/11/2020 3:14 pm

I would suggest you try Faith’s suggestion of grabbing the 5th. Also try modulating into the Relative Minor key for the Chorus. Also think about changing the rhythm to half time or double time. Or, play the verses you have written and try jumping into random chords where the chorus would start (probably in the song’s key signature). Really listen to how those random chords grab your attention.

Also start listening to songs you like. Try dissecting how they work. This will start you on the road to becoming a better Songsmith. Try to figure out why you like those songs. As you write think about how your heroes make transitions. This will also have the benefit of broadening your appreciation of why your like those songs.

One of the most striking things I have observed in music, is that people all have differing styles of song writing. Some start with words and others with music. Some concentrate on a good guitar hook, some start with an intellectual idea, some are build around a catchy phrase, some are just random ideas mixed up in unique ways. Some songs are built around a catchy chord pattern, or rhythm, some are a way of dealing with powerful emotions. Hell… Some just appear like a bolt out of the blue.

In fact, there are probably as many ways to write music as there are musicians who what to do so. As you develop as a Songsmith, your will find your way to your own path. Remember, if you are writing songs, even bad songs, you are growing as a writer. There are no RIGHT AND WRONG ways of writing. Just keep writting...

Lastly remember, this is not a race to some arbitarty finish... Played right, it can be a rewarding lifetime avocation.

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