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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,365
12/07/2019 1:35 pm
Originally Posted by: Keys_I've made a post before about how I'm tracking my progress to keep myself motivated (back when I was at 65 Hours in), on top of that I've made a blog so I can write about my progress and post some covers that I've learned.[/quote]

Hey, that's great! I listened to your audio recordings. It sounds like you are making great progress! :)

Breaking The Law sounds pretty good! Living After Midnight sounds like you are struggling with keeping up with the riff at that tempo. Smells Like Teen Spirit sounds good until you get to the solo.

It sounds like you are doing well with power chord riffing. Need a little more work on timing. But overall pretty solid! Well done!

Originally Posted by: Keys_Back when I made my first I was told that I should check the lessons of Christopher Schlegel on Improvisation for Beginnners. Problem is that at the moment that seems a bit advanced for me since I only know some licks as I'm right now on "Rock Style 1 - Chapter 4: Riffs, Licks and Themes".[/quote]

It sounds like the single note melody lines, the solo lines, are where you are still struggling. For example in the Teen Spirit solo, you need to take some time to just drill those notes over & again until they are second nature.

Often it helps to just play that series of notes over & again without worrying about tempo or playing with the song. Just get those physical motions under your fingers. You need to be able to play those notes like second nature so you can focus on where you are in the song & listen for when to play the melody without having to worry about which notes you are playing. Make sense?

With that in mind my improv series might still be a little beyond your current skill level. Sounds like you might get there soon! But patience & a little more work will be required!

As a pre-requisite to those improvisation tutorials, try these tutorials on simple licks. You will get a lot of milage from those basic licks as building blocks. They start with the simple repetition of a phrase, then gradually get more complex & targeting chord tones!

Basic Blues Licks Series 1

Basic Blues Licks Series 2

Basic Blues Licks Series 3

[quote=Keys_]My problem is that while I've learned some licks, I cannot for some reason modify them, I try to but they just sound off, I try different combinations or trying to hit some same notes and more but whatever I do it just sounds really bad or it makes all my solos sound the same.

You have to walk before you run! I really think the biggest problem you have here is simply getting some of these things firmly under your command: scale patterns, some basic licks & the physical motions of playing single string, one note at a time lines.

You need to be able to play any series of notes you want like second nature before you can worry about using them at will, mixing & matching, improvising with them. Especially when you say this:


Another problem I have is sometimes I have some ideas in my mind on licks but I cannot translate them into the Guitar so I try to find them by hitting note per note.

[p]We all have that problem! :) You can imagine how the notes sounds. But without acquiring the physical dexterity required to play them in real time, they will just remain in your imagination.

Take your time to work on those simple licks. Play the solo to Teen Spirit over & again just as a series of mechanical motions. Repetitious practice is what you are after here.

Hope that helps!

Christopher Schlegel
Guitar Tricks Instructor

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