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Joined: 05/08/02
Posts: 16
New Member
Joined: 05/08/02
Posts: 16
08/06/2002 8:17 pm
Well my amp is a peavy transtube 258. It is 25watts but it has almost every effect I could want, but yes, I probly sacrificed some quality compared to a fender,etc... My guitar is a cheap Ibanez grx20x, a wopping 163.00$ but when I bought it I compared it with Squire, (around the same price) and the ibanez won hands down according to me. I really like the playablity, it's fast,sleak,thin,and it seems to be a great starter guitar but,it doesn't sound like some of the others when I here them play a trick. I plan on a new one but not for a while. I don't need the best but descent would be nice. Thanks.