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Slipin Lizard
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Joined: 11/15/07
Posts: 711
Slipin Lizard
Registered User
Joined: 11/15/07
Posts: 711
05/31/2013 9:47 pm
Irish, your left hand technique is really good... great actually. I'm a little worried about your picking hand... see how your moving your thumb to pick? You should be keeping your thumb still, and creating the up/down motion by using your wrist. I believe for really fast picking some players lock their wrist, and just use their forearm but that's more for metal/shred speed.

Anyways, I'd really be careful about moving your thumb like that for picking... it has carpal tunnel syndrome written all over it. It shouldn't take you long to change. It will most likely feel really weird at first, but you should be able to adapt quickly. Does your thumb ever get sore after playing? Make sure you change it up... if you get joint pain its really hard to clear up... if you want, I'll make you a quick video on how to hold the pick properly. The way you're doing it now, you'll find it hard to play fast, and I'll wager the pick occasionally goes flying out of your fingers. You're doing great otherwise though! Small problem = easy fix.