What am I doing wrong?

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Joined: 06/30/10
Posts: 12
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Joined: 06/30/10
Posts: 12
02/12/2013 8:03 pm
Get on Kijiji or it's ilk and find people to play with. You can sit alone and practice your fingers off, but anyone gets bored with that, eventually. Find people to play with and it's way more fun. Go to 'open mike' venues and look outside the house for any chance to play. Also, figure out how to record yourself and play along. It's really cool to put two lines together and see how well (or bad) they interact. I use my computer with (can I say this?) Magix software. You'll need a analogue/digital interface to plug into the computer via usb. Please do not give up! All of us have been there.
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Joined: 10/09/12
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02/12/2013 9:57 pm
Originally Posted by: rhwGet on Kijiji or it's ilk and find people to play with. You can sit alone and practice your fingers off, but anyone gets bored with that, eventually. Find people to play with and it's way more fun. Go to 'open mike' venues and look outside the house for any chance to play. Also, figure out how to record yourself and play along. It's really cool to put two lines together and see how well (or bad) they interact. I use my computer with (can I say this?) Magix software. You'll need a analogue/digital interface to plug into the computer via usb. Please do not give up! All of us have been there.

I quite honestly don't know what "Kijiji" is, but where I live, we have something called "Det Bruunske Pakhus" and about 25 km from my place, there's another place called "Godset". Both those places are Venues, but "Godset" seems a bit more Rock/Blues-focused, while "Det Bruunske Pakhus" seems to be more Jazz/Blues-focused. And I'm not sure if "Det Bruunske Pakhus" has "Open Mike"-sessions. "Godset" does, though.

As for the recording part, does someone know if it works to just use the Fender Mustang II's USB-connection it also uses for interacting with Fender FUSE? Or can I possibly use a minijack cable from the amp's headphone-socket to the PC's microphone socket? If anything, I suspect the first would work best, but I'd prefer if someone experienced can help me out...
"Commit yourself to what you love, and things will happen."
- Mika Vandborg, Electric Guitars, "Follow Your Heart"
Chateau PS-10 Cherry Power-Strat
Epiphone G-400 LTD 1966 Faded Worn Cherry
Epiphone Les Paul 100 Ebony (w/ Oil City Pickups Scrapyard Dog PLUS pickups)
Epiphone ES-345 Cherry
Fender 2014 Standard Stratocaster Sunburst
Martin DX1K Acoustic
Fender Mustang II Amplifier
Jet City Amplification JCA22H Tube-head and JCA12S+ cabinet
# 2

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