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Slipin Lizard
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Slipin Lizard
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Joined: 11/15/07
Posts: 711
01/30/2013 4:26 am
Originally Posted by: haghj500
Too many people think the sound and magic of playing a great guitar lives in the left hand, but the true magic of guitar playing is in the right hand.

I think for this advice might have been a little early for the first two posters... its sounds like you guys are still fairly new and Lisa's advice is right on the money. You guys will be fine though, you have a really great attitude.

Regarding the above quote though, Haghj is exactly right... there will come a time where you may feel that your guitar playing lacks "feel" "style" "zip", "flair", whatever you want to call it. That can happen when the right hand gets ignored. So what's he's saying is that many players think that "cool sound" they hear someone else play, is some special note, pull-off, hammer-on etc, when its actually the right hand.

An example of this would be pinch harmonics. Its all about getting that bit of thumb in there, and suddenly, bingo, you make the note sound completely different. Its too early to worry about now, but for fun, if you want, research pinch harmonics so you can see what I mean. Stick with it guys, you'll get there. Oh, but DO make sure you take time out to play something that is really fun to play... if its all work and no joy, you won't stick with it. Play something just for fun everyday.