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Joined: 10/23/11
Posts: 453
Registered User
Joined: 10/23/11
Posts: 453
01/30/2013 3:05 am
You are obliviously correct. The left hand has to change chords and strings correctly or else every strum of the right hand will sound bad, at any speed. To play well you will also have to train your right hand. Besides just what rhythm(s) it should strum you also need to only play certain strings on some strums and not on other. The way you use your pick on the strings as you strum can change the tone or ring time of the strings.
So while the left hand has to play each note/chord correctly, the right hand can change the sound of the string on each strum. Even if the left hand bends a string, the right hand can still change the way the sound is created or how it will sound when it hits your ear.

I asked you to practice for 1 hour = work on left hand, right hand.

Watch videos for 1 hour = Expose yourself to new ideas on how things are done, before you ever need to use them. Listen/watch a few different instructors Blues solo videos. Anders has some great lessons; the blues part of the site was built around his lessons. Listen/watch how his right hand can change the sound or attack of any string or chord at will. You will also need to learn to do these things. Why not learn from pro’s.

Back to recording: To hear yourself as others do, record yourself, do whatever for the rest of the day, go to bed, then listen to the recording the next morning with a metronome. It would be cool to hear how much you’re playing has changed in say to years from now. I hope I have helped with the confusion.