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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 08/09/05
Posts: 8,397
08/25/2010 1:21 pm
Originally Posted by: RickBlackerDid you get a chance to hear that Metro amp?

I didn't at this show because I've played their stuff before. IMO, they are incredible. :)

Their motto "The most accurate Plexi Replicas in the world" is accurate for sure. The interesting thing here is how inconsistent the old Marshalls are. But those guys have zeroed in on the best aspects of the best of the old plexi style amps & made that their standard for a consistent design & build.

Quite often you just don't know exactly what you are getting with any given 60-70s Marshall. With a Metro, you know you are getting the best possible Marshall plexi tone.
Christopher Schlegel
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