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Joined: 03/16/10
Posts: 140
07/12/2010 1:45 am
Originally Posted by: LeojiRegardless of the heritage of the songs just having them available to be learned for their musical merit alone. Its really just another style of music.
Another style of music? I definitely dont think so. As I pointed out in the different thread you happen to of referenced to, you can take most christian songs and place it with rock, country, jazz, blues, classical, etc.

Doesnt contemporary simply mean modern/present day...? That's extremely broad.

There is actually a youtube video that someone created that explains my point precisely. Its contemporary christian music:

Here is another youtuber who made a video sampling 10 christian metal bands:

My ultimate point, is that asking for Christian/faith songs doesnt mean anything! What do the lyrics have to do with learning guitar...? Guitar Tricks could do a song from a band out of that second link I provided and technically they would have gave you what you asked for! Its like me asking for songs that are pro-anarchy, as if "pro-anarchy" has its own sound/genre. See where Im coming from?

So instead of asking for christian songs, simply request specific songs. Whether its christian or not doesnt matter, they would just add it to their rock/blues/country/metal sections of the website.