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Strung Out
Joined: 03/03/10
Posts: 56
Strung Out
Joined: 03/03/10
Posts: 56
03/16/2010 1:32 pm
I agree with Electric Circus, if is a Gibson you want then save until you can get one. I have a knock off Fender Strat which is the guitar that I love. Mine also sounds pretty good for the price tag. The only thing I have done to mine is order a new Black Pearl pick guard which cost me 23.00 with shipping.

At 46 and just playing for the enjoyment I will probably never upgrade to a real Fender unless this one dies or if my son decides he wants to take up guitar and at 4 1/2 there is no telling what if anything he will want to play.

Save for the big purchase and don't worry about upgrading that one.

Rock on