Where do I start?

Registered User
Joined: 10/16/09
Posts: 1
Registered User
Joined: 10/16/09
Posts: 1
10/16/2009 4:44 pm
I'm a freshie to this site, so i would like to know where to start;
I love all Non-commercial rock'n'roll/metal from the 50s to 1995 (especially glam)
I have been playing for 10 years now(I am 17) and am heavilly into shredding, I can play Eruption-Van Halen, Fast as a Shark-Accept(with solo), Highway star-Deep Purple(with solo), between others.
My favourite guitarist is paul gilbert, and i would love to be asny fraction as good as him some day. so I was wondering by any chance do you have the right thing for me?
# 1
Neal Walter
GuitarTricks Channel Host
Joined: 02/11/09
Posts: 2,280
Neal Walter
GuitarTricks Channel Host
Joined: 02/11/09
Posts: 2,280
10/18/2009 4:47 am
Hey Marty, sounds like you got a good start, that's the same age that I started and I could play Eruption at 17 too (woo hoo!)
I would check out the 'Metal' section and see what Don Madison and Ben Lindholm have to offer, they're both great players.
[FONT=Book Antiqua][FONT=Arial][FONT=Tahoma]Neal
GT Channel Host[/FONT]

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