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Joined: 01/16/09
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Registered User
Joined: 01/16/09
Posts: 292
01/23/2009 1:38 pm
I am meeting up with the bassist today ( drummer girlfriend is working )...see how good or bad it goes. Hopefully she will be able to give me some instruction on playing together

We have to decide on a song ( s ) to work on and then go from there....
I was thinking something in the AC/DC range....she wants to try american woman by lenny kravitz..I have also been playing or trying to...wonderwall by thats on the plate too

I know I can improv some ( like 4 or 5 ) jazz chords...which is always my go to stuff when I dont know what to play since I dont really know full songs...
I am more of a fiddle around type...hard to stick with a song...
so we will see what happens today

wish me luck..I will either come back pumped or feeling like I dont fit in yet