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Joined: 10/07/08
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01/18/2009 11:10 pm
Originally Posted by: Itsmesillyyeah I started realizing that I might need that finger to picks with...
I dont finger pick but I want to learn....
I have a friend who doesnt play with a pick...hes all acustic and it drives me buts when I go there so I started hole punchhing my picks and keep about 5 on my key ring so I always have one on me....

hes talking about getting an electric....
can you even play electric regularly without a pick? seems odd

Depends on the style you want to play but guys like Mark Knopfler, GE Smith, Steve Cropper, Jeff Beck, Chet Atkins, Lindsey Buckingham and Derek Trucks play most if not all the time without a pick. So, given that company, yes ;)