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Joined: 09/08/08
Posts: 113
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Joined: 09/08/08
Posts: 113
01/17/2009 6:12 am
Thats good advice. Mine is right beside my computer so it is always within reach. I practice a lot I guess. Even on a day where it seems I might not be able to practice I play at least 30 minutes or so.

I remember reading one time here on the forums that a good time to practice scales is while watching TV. I know most people have insanely busy schedules but one thing you have to do is give "yourself" a little time even if it is only 15 minutes.

I have made a practice schedule to keep myself focused on short term goals. This has helped me big time. Especially with chord changes. I think there is a write up about practicing in the FAQ section.

I found it. Here is the link.
Hang in there and I hope this helps,

I stay in the dog house its easier that way...