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Joined: 04/18/05
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Joined: 04/18/05
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05/20/2008 9:17 pm
Scientifically advanced worries me when talking about guitars. It usually involves someone trying to reinvent the wheel, when it comes to guitars it pretty easy, you got your basics shapes and playing styles and you got your different neck types. After that the only difference a beginner would notice is the tone from the pickups (through high gain settings). The whole wood types thing is really only something you might notice if you have been playing for a long long time. When you start out you won't know what feels good anyway so just look to the ones that are tried and tested. Either a Fender style, a Gibson style (includes Epiphones, Les Paul, PRS etc) or an Ibanez style (also includes Jackson, ESP Dean etc). My advice is forget the novelty guitars, and get a well regarded traditional guitar to start. When really learn how to use it then choosing an expensive upmarket one becomes easy because by then you will know what you need for your playing style and you will realise that a lot of what guitars companies say is a load of hype.