Intro to Acoustic Strumming - for Beginners

Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/02/06
Posts: 3,978
Guitar Tricks Instructor
Joined: 11/02/06
Posts: 3,978
02/27/2008 4:05 pm
Hey folks,

I just wanted to let you know I've just posted the first 2 segments in a set of tutorials on Acoustic Strumming for beginners. These first two segments are entry-level, teaching the fundamental skills and concepts of acoustic strumming. Future tutorials (currently in the works!) will build from here, and lead into more advanced styles and techniques.

If you're a beginner, or new to this style of playing, this would be a good place to start to make sure you get off on the right foot. Several "practice songs" are taught, to give you some context for using the techniques.

Although these practice songs lean towards a folk music direction, the skills presented can be applied to a wide variety of styles, from acoustic rock, to country or bluegrass, and beyond.

Here are the links:
Acoustic Strumming I: Getting Started

Acoustic Strumming II: Build on the Basics

Have fun!
Lisa McCormick - Guitar Tricks Instructor
Lisa McCormick, GT Instructor
Acoustic, Folk, Pop, Blues

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