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Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
Gear Guru
Joined: 01/18/01
Posts: 6,242
10/25/2001 1:18 am
Its been near two weeks, and not a word from anyone, so I'll have a go at it.

Generally, you want to put time-based effects (like delay, reverb, and echo), as 'late' in the signal chain as possible. The longer the cycle time, the closer to the end of the chain. Ideally, they should be added to the final mix, just before it goes to the monitors.

Phasing, flanging, and chorus are based on shorter times, so they should go earlier in the chain.

Distortion, (at least the overdrive kind), should be just about the first thing in line, possibly with EQ before it, and after.

Of course, all of this is likely to go out the window when your creativity gets going. That's how new stuff gets discovered!
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