Another A Minor Pent Question

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04/18/2007 8:49 am
ok so lemme see if I can ease my scalelust

If looking at the fretboard...
I HOPE A minor pent starting on the 3rd fret is


Then would A minor penta move down to this???


Any help is always a good thing ;)
# 1

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04/18/2007 11:22 am
Yes it is one of the A minor pentatonic "box" or position you can use

Since the notes are A,C,D,E,G you are still playing in A minor Pentatonic using this positioning.

I think you understand how to figure out the different position. Now the next step I'd suggest is to try and move through them while playing so they suck in your memory.

A good exercise is to play them (starting from the last one you've written here) in sequence upwards and backwards. So from the top of the neck towards the bridge and once you get to the bridge, go back towards the top of the neck playing all the positions.

After that try every OTHER positions, that's tricky but that's how they'll stuck in your memory forever.

Good work so far, keep it up.
# 2
Jose Daniel
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Jose Daniel
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04/18/2007 2:26 pm
you could also check this guy out. ->
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# 3
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04/18/2007 4:09 pm
I thought this was a good lesson on that -

Kept me busy for a while, still is.

The part about doing the ascending and descending triplets I thought was really useful - it helps to commit the shapes to muscle memory. I've also been trying to say the number of the note as I play it so I can know where I am - then jump around to different shapes on the right number. Realy fun to be moving all over the fret board.

# 4

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04/18/2007 7:22 pm
Originally Posted by: BuoyI thought this was a good lesson on that -

Kept me busy for a while, still is.

The part about doing the ascending and descending triplets I thought was really useful - it helps to commit the shapes to muscle memory. I've also been trying to say the number of the note as I play it so I can know where I am - then jump around to different shapes on the right number. Realy fun to be moving all over the fret board.


Yep, Christopher's tutorial on pentatonic scales are great. I think he has a great way of explaining things. Anyone wanting to learn how to use these scales should check those tutorials. I've been playing 15 years and I've learned new ways of looking at the pentatonic with those lessons. Great stuff.
# 5

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