What do you think's gonne be the next big trend?

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09/19/2001 8:29 pm
the beatles are like any other band...but when they were popular they weren't. and bands like radiohead aren't popular enough to be called a trend.
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09/20/2001 2:04 am
Actually, word has it from several of the folks on this forum who were there is that their was plenty of stuff like the Beatles when the Beatles came out- They were just the guys who managed to sell big.

The rest is history.

As for what's next? Who knows? And why does it really matter? I think I've said this before, but I'm planning on playing the music I love weather I have to work at McDonald's to support myself or if I get the privlege of playing it to sold out stadiums. And if on the off chance that playing the music I love gets me to that point, I'm sure the words "trendy," "sell out," and other itterations of such will probably be applied to me and my band.
-Oh well.
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# 2
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09/21/2001 10:39 pm
In an ideal world there would be no "trends". Music would be appreciated for what it is- the language of the heart.
But, sadly, as commercalisation takes an even bigger grip on our lives I only hope and pray that there wil aways be somewhere we can just take our guitar, a mike and sing, being trendy not an issue. That woud be heaven.
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# 3
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09/22/2001 2:16 am
I love you man!!! Those are some tight words of wisdom.
# 4
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09/22/2001 6:27 am
There is a fine line between whether a trend is good or bad then. Trends can either be simply a bunch of people following the crowd, or... they can be what the few people in a particular area create by striving ahead of the pack. Of course, in art something that is regarded highly is usually called a "movement" to make it sound better. But look at the modernist movement, in literature and visual arts and music, etc. This was a movement formed by groups of people pushing ahead, and it could be seen as a trend, but it wasn't a bad idea. If someone starts painting an impressionist painting (for example) and someone else is inspired by it, and understands what it is on about, and chooses to push their own impressionist paintings, is that a bad trend? If you think about it, rock music itself is a series of "trends" that have led to great (and hopeless) music. I'm not defending everyone trying tyo sound like each other in an attempt to seel lots of records, but I'm trying to show that trend insn't necessarily a dirty word.
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# 5
blink 182
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blink 182
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09/24/2001 1:22 am
i think the next big trend is wut me and my band are doin...Punk mixed with metal and old rock..like blink meets metallica
# 6
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09/24/2001 1:59 pm
Thats whehey over my head. I mean imagine, combining Metallica and Blink. You are the new genius of the guitar world. All hail! All hail!
But seriuosly, why not make the the music that represents you and your own feelings instead of making a crude mimicking of other musicians. Sure, go ahead and cite then as your inspiration, but dont set out to simply fuse two unrelated musics together. The result would be a friggin' mess and probably not liked. Play the music that comes from you.I know that sounds hard, but, prevail, you will be loved for it.
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# 7
Led Zeppelin
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09/24/2001 9:41 pm
Originally posted by blink 182
i think the next big trend is wut me and my band are doin...Punk mixed with metal and old rock..like blink meets metallica

Its been done. Its called Sum 41 and the project failed.

Theyre crap.
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09/25/2001 12:30 am
Metal and Punk are far closer relations than a lot of people would like to admit.
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# 9
Incidents Happen
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12/31/2001 6:12 am
The next trend will be the realization that commercialization ruins music. There will be a movement of bands against record companies- and fans will follow, refusing to buy CD's (and go to concerts) of bands that have "Big" record company deals, and bands will in turn make thier own record companies ( like the string cheese incident did, with SCI Fidelity). This will drive the record companies (almost) out of the whole music scene, and prices of CD's will go down a dollar or two because of it.

I hope.
# 10
Big as Elvis, Baby
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01/01/2002 7:35 am
Word on the street, Polka Metal
# 11
Gear Guru
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01/01/2002 8:32 am
"Retty now...beeg accordion solo!" lmao :D
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# 12
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01/01/2002 3:11 pm
There's a band in France that was created out of a show... Not like the monkees or Spinal tap, but the show was actually showing the casting of the girls, how they worked hard to sing in tune, etc. Well, they have beaten the record of 'most sold albums in one week'. Even though people know that they aren't real artists, that they owe everything to the staff that's around them, well, they still buy it... I'm very sad about that kind of stuff, and it seems that there's another season of that show coming on!!
The next trend will be what the majors will make it...
As for what I listen to, I go around on the net and in pubs, there's more talent there than in any major release since the 80's...
# 13
Led Zeppelin
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01/02/2002 11:44 pm
Yeah they have that "Making The Band" thing in loads of countries. The band from the English one broke the record for fastest selling debut single ever in the UK and when they got it they were talking about how "their hard work paid off" and that they "proved that theyre serious musicians" and all this crap when it was ovious that it was all because of the show. This franchise is the biggest farce in music history, its ridiculous. In the Irish one theyre making now, theyve billed them as being the first potential globaly succesful band from this franchise but their still in the first stages of auditions. I dont get that.
# 14
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01/03/2002 5:09 pm
Just face it. The next big trend is Polka; in all of its possible perverse forms. Sell your guitars and buy an accordion today before the stores inflate the prices!!! All together now...Um Pa Um Pa Um Pa Um PA...
# 15
chris mood
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01/03/2002 5:23 pm
I think the bossa nova is gonna make a big comeback
# 16
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01/03/2002 5:40 pm
It's possible. Latin influence is very popular right now. As for Polka, I misspoke. It has already made a comeback ...Reggae. (Take Polka Music, slow it down considerably, and lose the accordion)
# 17
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01/04/2002 12:02 am
Though Polka and Reggae share a common upbeat feel, they're otherwise very different.

I know this because I have been working very diligently on a new genre called "Death Polka" for many years now.

6/8 time and slabs of distortion!
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# 18
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01/04/2002 2:05 am
Honesty is something that has been missing for quite smetime in this music industry. Although rock and rap has been very successful as of late, I think a lot of musicians use this as a defensive reaction, because they are very uncomfortable with their voices. I just think that what truly makes a great artist are those who are unafraid to hit a nerve, those who are willing to take many risks to satisfy themselves musically. Desite what's popular or despite what's cool. It's all about what's in your heart. Hopefully we'll see more heart and soul in the years to come, becauase that's what truly makes music beautiful and memorable. It doesn't matter what style you practice, all that matters is that you're making an honest represenation of your thoughts through sounds.

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# 19
Incidents Happen
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01/04/2002 4:27 am
i agree with joe. er, joseph. i wish people just went away with trends though, ya know do your own thing. I guess that couldbe a 'trend', to be yourself and do whatever the **** you want, but the word trend would be lost if that ever globally happened.

Too bad eh? :(
# 20

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