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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
Posts: 2,907
08/25/2001 3:46 pm
What's going to happen is that soon people will get sick of what they're hearing. Somebody who sounds different will come along and everybody will be "Refreshed." Initially thier will be a couple of bands that kinda sound similar, but are all original, but three years from then they'll be heavily imitated and people will be getting sick of that too. It is a cycle and we've all seen it before.

And yes, I do plan to make the music that makes me happy. If I'm lucky enough to get signed and become a world famous rock star, then cool. If not, well, I'll still be playing the music that makes me happy. I'm like anybody in that I like the company of other people and to be accepted, but due to my personality I find myself alone a lot. What that boils down to is that I'm used to not fitting in and so remaining a musical oddity doesn't really bother me.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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